🧐 Share what you need help with
Our recommendations engine will match you to people from your company who understand you and have similar experiences and skills you're seeking.
🤝 Connect for a 30 days
Send a request and, once accepted, you'll be connected right in Microsoft Teams. Follow the 30/3/1 rule: Meet 3 times in 30 days to reach 1 goal.
🎉 Give and receive feedback
At the end of your 30-day micro-connection, we'll ask you both to give feedback. Your partner's responses will be added to your Career Opportunity Report you can use to show growth and leadership
🌱 Pay it forward by helping others
Whether you want to put your new skills to work, give advice, or welcome new teammates to your company, Tribute 2.0 is the perfect platform for you to raise your hand and offer help.